A 10th Letter from Secrets

Well, it’s been some time since I have written one of these and I know I have a lot of new followers, so I’ll explain what is happening right now 😄 “S” over at crimsonposy recently nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Although I appreciate the spirit of the blogging awards, answering questions andContinueContinue reading “A 10th Letter from Secrets”

26th April: My Birthday

Today is my birthday… my blogging birthday. A year ago today, I posted my first few thoughts and now we are here together. I’m surprised I made it. Happy Birthday to all our secret thoughts! I wish I could shower you with gifts and watch your eyes light up, but I have no presents toContinueContinue reading “26th April: My Birthday”

A 9th Letter from Secrets

Hey you, let me start by saying that this letter is thanks to Navaparna from The Passionate Learner. She has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. Answering the award questions and nominating other people aren’t things I feel comfortable doing, but I want to honour Navaparna and the sentiment behind the award. Therefore, IContinueContinue reading “A 9th Letter from Secrets”

An 8th Letter from Secrets

Why hello there, I love that you have decided to read this letter. So much so that I wish I could give you a hug, but you’ll have to put up with my words instead. My WP friend Benjamin Grossman has nominated me for The Mystery Blogger Award, so I wanted to thank him andContinueContinue reading “An 8th Letter from Secrets”

A 7th letter from Secrets

My friends, we have had a few new faces join us recently on Secret Thoughts Within, so I will explain why I’m writing you a letter. The talented Jade at The Unsigned Writer has nominated me for a Mystery Blogger Award. Unfortunately, answering questions is not my personal style, however to honour Jade for nominatingContinueContinue reading “A 7th letter from Secrets”

A 6th Letter from Secrets

Why hello there and welcome to another letter together. For those who have recently started following, instead of answering blogging award questions, I take a different approach to suit my own personal style. I prefer to write a letter, usually providing some insight into my creative process behind a piece that I have recently posted.ContinueContinue reading “A 6th Letter from Secrets”

A 5th (very transparent) Letter from Secrets

Hello my friends… I will say friends this time because we’ve done a lot together since my last letter to you. Most recently many of you decided to go on a Play Date with me and man I had a blast watching you come along. Seriously, you guys make me smile. So, back to myContinueContinue reading “A 5th (very transparent) Letter from Secrets”

A 4th letter from Secrets

I had a problem. I had two version of the same poem and I wasn’t sure which I should publish. I did think about hitting up one of my WP pals for their thoughts, but I really do try and leave them alone as much as possible. Then… then, The Knight with a Pen nominatedContinueContinue reading “A 4th letter from Secrets”

A 3rd letter from Secrets

Oh, hey you. My treasured ‘follower’, do you already know what’s coming? Yes, Famela Marie from Introverted Ela has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Ela my dear, thank you for the nomination and here is my response to honour that (in my own way of course). I thought about including an audio ofContinueContinue reading “A 3rd letter from Secrets”

A 2nd letter from Secrets (ST)

I know, gasp, a second letter. You can blame Manish Abburu at The Positivity Journal, because he nominated me for the Vincent Ehindro Blogger Award. His piece called Neuroplasticity is particularly interesting. Thank you Manish Abburu, I am honoured that you would think of me. Here is my response (in my own way) and IContinueContinue reading “A 2nd letter from Secrets (ST)”