My Whisper is a Song (with audio)

Image found here on Pinterest

Tiny fragments of thoughts 
snatches of a cosmic melody –  
this little voice of mine 
hums a tune and wonders 
will anyone sing along?

If my whispering song 
was suddenly sung very loud 
would anyone turn their head?
Would anyone hear the sound?

Does my single life matter 
if this voice of mine is a whisper 
amongst eight billion others? 
I am
so small

Perhaps, the value of a life 
and the significance of our hours 
combine in a chorus  
and the whispers become a roar

Without my small voice  
the melody left behind  
wouldn’t be so strong  
So, I’ll swallow my insignificance  
and keep on singing 
At least my whisper is a song

In two (maybe three) generations it’s unlikely anyone will remember anything about me beyond my name. Sometimes my insignificance overwhelms me. But, perhaps my significance is found in snatching moments and trying to make sense of them. My “poetic whispers” and reflections are all I’ve got, and maybe they’re enough. Thank you for reading them. 💜

Music credit: In The Moment by Steve Oxen

16 thoughts on “My Whisper is a Song (with audio)

  1. I so love this, Bree!!! I think you just found the title for your next book – Poetic Whispers!!! I believe that our words whisper and yours especially reach out to readers hearts and souls – so yes – your words will always whisper with those who are blessed enough to read them!!! I’ve been missing your posts – I know – life intrudes, Ha! Bellissimo, My Dear, Bellissimo!! 😊😁💕🌹🌹

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